6 Secrets to Buying a Home

Whether you're a first time buyer or just looking to invest in new property, purchasing a new home can feel quite overwhelming.     You are, after all, going to be investing a lot of money into a house that you hope will accommodate your needs well into the future. That's a lot of pressure! [...]

By |2016-03-22T09:15:47-06:00June 30th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 6 Secrets to Buying a Home

Living in Bonnie Brae, Colorado

The Denver area of Colorado is full of fantastic communities that are perfect for families, single persons, newlyweds, or even friends wanting to share a living space. One such place that you should be looking, regardless of your living situation, is Bonnie Brae.   This unique community is full of prime Denver real estate, featuring [...]

By |2015-06-19T00:55:15-06:00June 18th, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Living in Bonnie Brae, Colorado

6 Secrets to Selling a Home

Selling a home in any market isn't an easy task, and can be quite stressful if you have no idea what you're doing. Although there's no precise formula for getting the best price and/or selling your home quickly, there are certain tips and tricks that could get you ahead of the game.     Try [...]

By |2016-03-22T09:26:58-06:00June 11th, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on 6 Secrets to Selling a Home

What to Look for in a Reputable Moving Company

One task that many homeowners fear when they're in the midst of moving into a new home is how to get their precious belongings from one place to another with as little hassle as possible. While there are situations where you can call upon the help of friends who owe you a favor, the better [...]

By |2016-02-08T16:52:38-07:00May 28th, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on What to Look for in a Reputable Moving Company

Living in Littleton, Colorado

As anyone who's ever driven through Denver can attest, we have the very best Colorado real estate available. Everywhere you look there's a fantastic mixture of classic and contemporary design, not to mention gorgeous landscapes as far as the eye can see.   This is what the city of Littleton has to offer its residents, [...]

By |2015-05-21T12:00:37-06:00May 21st, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Living in Littleton, Colorado

Terms for a Seller to Use in a Seller’s Market

With inventory in the Denver area at a low point these days, we're definitely living in a seller's market right now. Knowing that, you can approach the sale of your home a bit differently than you would if it were a buyer's market.     However, that doesn't mean that it's going to be a [...]

By |2016-03-22T09:41:04-06:00May 14th, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Terms for a Seller to Use in a Seller’s Market

Living in Lone Tree, Colorado

"It's a great day to be in Lone Tree!"   Truer words may have never been spoken. This motto of the City of Lone Tree is a simple declaration that permeates the very essence of its community on a daily basis. New residents have quickly fallen in love with their surroundings and it doesn't take [...]

By |2015-05-07T15:39:03-06:00May 7th, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Living in Lone Tree, Colorado
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